Tinnitus is the name for noises you hear that are not caused by an outside source. It is not usually a sign of any serious conditions and generally improves over time. However, some people suffer very annoying and/or debilitating noise in their ears.
Whilst there is no cure for Tinnitus, there are ways to manage it, that your GP can help you with.

Tinnitus can sound like:
music or singing
You may hear these sounds in 1 or both ears, or in your head. They may come and go, or you might hear them all the time.more of what interests them.
You should see your GP if:
you have tinnitus regularly or constantly, especially if it’s on one side only
your tinnitus is getting worse
your tinnitus is bothering you – for example, it’s affecting your sleep or concentration
Ask for an urgent GP appointment if you have tinnitus:
after a head injury
with sudden hearing loss, weakness in the muscles of your face, or a spinning sensation (vertigo)
that beats in time with your pulse